Before I Fall

Reviewed By: Courtney
Published By: HarperCollins
Release Date: March 2nd 2010
Young Adult
Pages: 470 

What if you only had one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?

Samantha Kingston has it all: looks, popularity, the perfect boyfriend. Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life. Instead, it turns out to be her last.

The catch: Samantha still wakes up the next morning. Living the last day of her life seven times during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing

 This was recommend to me by my friend who also recommend Delirium to me. I am a quick reader so I flew when I read this book. Unless its more than 500 pages it will only take me a day if I really love the book. This one took me about 2 days to read.

I was not so sure about the beginning of this wasn't what I expected at all, the main characters were annoying. The main characters are the popular girls who have everything and do anything they want to and get away with it because of their social standing. As I kept reading though I began to love it more and more. The main character Samantha Kingston is oblivious to life and the people around her. She doesn't think twice about her life ending because it can't happen to her.Then one Friday night the worst happens and her and her friend are in a car accident, only to wake up the next day fine. She soon finds out that it's Friday again and the same things are happening over again.

She learns that maybe shes supposed to change something, although it takes her a while to figure that out. It kinda makes you mad at her. So she changes some things through each day and sees how her actions cause a whole domino effect. Her friends and her boyfriend is a big part in whats wrong and why shes always reliving Friday. But things get complicated after a couple days of living this never ending Friday, Sam gets frustrated and rebels against this force of nature. Kent (Her childhood friend) has always had eyes for her and has watched her since she left him behind for the in-crowd, He soon realizes something is wrong with Sam.

Sam knows that there is something she is missing. Is she supposed to be nice to the losers (Kent and Izzy) or break up with her boyfriend? Is there something wrong with her? I love how she slowly changes and stands up for good things. Every one can learn from Sam. Sometimes we all take our life for granted and get caught up in our lives and forget about the people we have. Anyways...I got hooked to the book, trying to figure out how she was going to figure this whole time thing out. The moral of the story was very well told and very clear.

The ending is the worse of all...I'm not saying its a bad ending and the book sucks at all just saying that the ending was not what I wanted it to be. All in all the ending was the best part of this book, I bawled my eyes out and was so devastated. I just didn't know that was coming at all, complete shock. The author must have wanted  to make a clear statement that life is not fair and can't always be how we want it to be. Also how our actions speak louder than our words. Doing something is better than standing back and letting it all unfold.

So I really enjoyed reading this book I love Kent and Izzy and wish there would be another book to continue, maybe in Kent's point of view. I give it 4 out of 5 stars only because the ending took me longer to get into then most books I read, other than that that's it!! Thanks!


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